Why is my laptop hot? How to troubleshoot and cool down an overheated laptop
Why is my laptop hot? How to troubleshoot and cool down an overheated laptop
There are several ways you can try to cool down an overheated laptop.
Almost every laptop owner has experienced this: You are working on your computer and all of a sudden your hands feel nearly sweaty, and the heat seems to be radiating from your keyboard.
- Laptops can feel hot or warm for a variety of reasons.
- Diagnosing the problem isn't exactly clear-cut, so you may need to try various troubleshooting techniques.
- A hot laptop isn't usually indicative of any problems; the most common issue is a dust-filled fan.
Carefully clean your laptop
Check the heat in your laptop's environment
Try closing intensive applications you are not using
Consider taking it to a professional
When your laptop is hot and the above troubleshooting methods are not working, shut it down, unplug it, and consider making an appointment with a professional to look at it. Excessive heat has the ability to severely damage your computer and all of its data.
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